Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Readings

It never ceases to amaze me how using Lectionary readings enhances worship and also speaks to the heart. This week was truly special because of 9/11 falling on a Sunday. The readings are ones that truly speak to the heart on this day of remembrance. The theme of forgiveness is very prevalent, and should give us pause, especially considering that the readings follow a schedule and were set for this date many years ago. It is amazing how God speaks and uses the Scriptures to touch our hearts.

I can't imagine the thoughts and feelings of those who lost loved ones on this day ten years ago. I also imagine that there are still those who feel anger and bitterness as they are reminded every year of this tragedy, especially this year. I hope and pray that many of those affected are able to hear these words and can heal from the pain if they still feel that bitterness.

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